
Creating Textures in Medical and Scientific Illustration Using Pen and Ink - Tim Phelps
Visualizations and Animations of Arytenoid Rotations and Vocal Process Positional Shifts - Ken Probst and Miquel Schön
Parallels in Our Training: the Medical Illustrator vs. Mongolian Monk - Zina Deretsky
Seeing Beneath One's Skin: A CT Derived Patient Education Model Demonstrating an Osseointegrated Orbital Prosthesis - Tiffany Ann Slaybaugh
Collaborative Culture of Knowledge Building in Biomedical Communications- Leila Lax

Book Review:

The Guild Handbook of Scientific Illustration, Edited by Elaine R.S. Hodges


AMI Salon Award Winners 2003
HeSCA Media Festival Winners 2004
    -The JBC will showcase trailers of the Media Festival award winners.
BCA BioImages Award Winners 2004
AMI Salon Award Winners 2004

JBC Vol. 29, No. 4 2003