Guide for Contributors


The Journal of Biocommunication welcomes unsolicited materials for consideration. Such materials are reviewed by selected referees for the Features, Columns, Gallery, and Calendar sections and the Cover. Through submission of manuscripts, authors warrant that articles have not been published previously and that they will assign copyright for the article to the JBC with a signed "transfer of copyright." Additionally, authors are asked not to submit articles concurrently to the JBC and to another journal or publication.

Manuscript Submission
Text files for Features/Columns/Gallery/Calendar sections

Graphics File Submission
Photographs, illustrations, other digital images

Media File Submission
Animation, video and other motion media files

The JBC is dedicated to serving as a showcase for biocommunication techniques; describing proven and experimental procedures in medical art, illustration, photography, instructional design, information retrieval, digital imaging, and other communication modalities applied in the life sciences; promoting excellence and the sharing of articles and information that may influence the course of the profession; and encouraging recognition for high quality contributions.

The Journal of Biocommunication began publication in 1974. In 2000, the JBC incorporated the Journal of Biological Photography that began publication in 1931 as the Journal of the Biological Photographic Association.


Copyright 2004, The Journal of Biocommunication, All Rights Reserved

Table of Contents for VOLUME 30, NUMBER 3