JBC remains dedicated to serving as a showcase of biocommunication imaging and techniques, describing proven and experimental procedures in medical art and illustration, print, medical photography, film, television, computer, multimedia systems, and other communication modalities applied in the health sciences. The JBC is an open access journal whose mission is to provide authors with an authoritative publishing platform. We hope that you will consider publishing your content in our Journal and sharing your scholarly work and research achievements.
The Journal of Biocommunication has partnered with the University of Illinois Chicago Library and is now being hosted within UIC's Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform. OJS is an open source publishing system with a completely integrated online submission and editorial process. The JBC offers authors the increased exposure and resources of larger publications, and provides these authors with greater opportunity for academic discoverability. Articles and content published by AMI and BCA in the JBC will have high visibility, and they will be freely available online without any required password.
The JBC has transitioned to a mixed or hybrid publishing environment, fully supporting those authors and content creators who wish to retain traditional copyright of their content and imagery, or want a choice of licensing. Additionally, the JBC supports compliance with Open Access mandates, including the less restrictive CC BY licensing when desired or required by authors and their institutions. We will continue to provide the same excellent peer-reviewed content, but we will be removing access barriers for selected articles published under the Open Access mandate. Articles with Open Access Creative Commons licensing will be digital, online, free of charge, and free of many copyright and licensing restrictions, made possible by the consent of the author or copyright-holder.
Our JBC Editors and Reviewers are experienced and highly credentialed in their respective fields. They maintain editorial independence, while promoting scholarly excellence and diversity of thought.
The JBC Editors, Advisors, and Management Board for the Journal of Biocommunication
Journal of Biocommunication
Volume 47, Number 2, 2023
The Journal of Biocommunication (JBC) is the professional journal of the Association of Medical Illustrators and the BioCommunications Association.
In this issue we feature an article by Bledsoe et al. that examines the viability of a biologically degradable filament for 3D printing as compared to standard 3D printing materials for medical and scientific purposes. We also invited forensic photography technologist David Larraguibel to explain the process behind his photograph entitled Cerebral Reflections, winner of the BioCommunications BioImages 2022 Premiere Award in the Biomedical - Human & Animal category."
|  |
Journal of Biocommunication
Volume 47, Number 1, 2023
The Journal of Biocommunication (JBC) is the professional journal of the Association of Medical Illustrators and the BioCommunications Association.
In this issue we include a JBC Memorial Showcase featuring the work of Professor Emeritus, Steven J. Harrison, PhD, CMI, FAM. Steve was an award-winning illustrator with numerous awards from the AMI and the BCA, including lifetime achievement awards from each organization.
We also include the BioImages Salon winners from BCA's 2022 exhibition. |
Journal of Biocommunication
Volume 46, Number 2, 2022
The Journal of Biocommunication (JBC) is the professional journal of the Association of Medical Illustrators and the BioCommunications Association.
Issue 46-2 includes four historical articles and original MP3 audio recordings of the late Dr. Richard Byrne.
We also include two JBC Showcases. The first Showcase features the medical illustrations of AMI member, John Daugherty. The second Showcase is devoted to the photographic work of BCA memeber, Charles "Chip" Hedgcock.
This issue also features the award-winning images from AMI's 2022 Salon. |
Journal of Biocommunication
Volume 46, Number 1, 2022
The Journal of Biocommunication (JBC) is the professional journal of the Association of Medical Illustrators and the BioCommunications Association.
Issue 46-1 includes historical articles and original audio recordings of the late Dr. Richard Byrne called Breakthrough - Championship Living in a Computer Age.
We feature a Research Poster from authors Emilyn Frohn, Leah Lebowicz, Rex Twedt, and Christine Young. Our issue includes a JBC Showcase devoted to the photographic work of BCA Emeritus Member, Bob Turner. This issue also features the award-winning images from BCA's 2021 BioImages Salon.
Journal of Biocommunication
Volume 45, Number 2, 2021
The Journal of Biocommunication (JBC) is the professional journal of the Association of Medical Illustrators and the BioCommunications Association.
Issue 45-2 includes historical articles and original audio recordings of the late Dr. Richard Byrne called Breakthrough - Championship Living in a Computer Age. Dr. Byrne was the Keynote Speaker at Bio '76 and was a frequent presenter at BCA's annual and regional meetings. Dr. Byrne had been Dean, Annenberg School of Communication, University of Southern California (USC).
Our issue includes a JBC Memorial Showcase and features written remembrances of beloved AMI member, Craig Gosling, who passed away this year. This issue also features the Professional Category's award winners from AMI's 2021 Virtual Salon. |
Journal of Biocommunication Special Issue on Legacies of Medicine in the Holocaust and the Pernkopf Atlas
Volume 45, Number 1, 2021
This Special Issue of the Journal of Biocommunication (JBC), the professional journal of the Association of Medical Illustrators and the BioCommunications Association, is published in acknowledgement of this dark time in our professional history and in recognition of controversies that emanate from the creation of Eduard Pernkopf's Atlas of Topographical and Applied Human Anatomy. The collection of resources in this Special Issue is intended to contribute to the current and future examination of this legacy, to advance scholarship and Holocaust education, in many contexts, including biomedical visualization. |
Journal of
Volume 44, Number 2, 2020
The Journal of Biocommunication presents issue 44-2. In this issue we feature our "Publisher's Comment" and our "25 Years Ago" column.
This issue also features the article: "Scientific Documentation of the Human Body Using Highly Standardized Rotational Photography."
Our JBC Showcase features the imagery of Danielle Edwards, BCA's 2020 Louis Schmidt Laureate. This issue also includes two Galleries that feature the award winners from the 2020 BCA BioImages Salon and the 2020 AMI Salon. |
Journal of
Volume 44, Number 1, 2020
The Journal of Biocommunication presents issue 44-1. In this issue we feature our "Publisher's Comment" and our "25 Years Ago" column.
Included are articles: "Rapid Application Temporary Tattoos for Medical Moulage: From Development to Testing and Commercialization," and "Photography Transillumination Techniques: Multicystic Peritoneal Mesothelioma."
This issue also includes two amazing Showcases featuring the work of Cynthia Turner and Ted Kinsman. Our Gallery features selected entries from the Images from Science 3 exhibition. |
Journal of
Volume 43, Number 2, 2019
The Journal of Biocommunication presents issue 43-2. Included are the articles: "Integrative Modeling and Visualization of Exosomes," "Visualization of a Juvenile Australopithecus afarensis Specimen: Implications for Functional Foot Anatomy," and "Professional Clinical Photography to Assist Patients with Pectus Carinatum."
This issue includes two Galleries that feature the award winning illustrations, imagery, and media from AMI's 2019 Salon and BCA's 2019 BioImages exhibition. |
Journal of
Volume 43, Number 1, 2019
The Journal of Biocommunication (JBC) is the professional academic journal of the Association of Medical Illustrators (AMI) and the BioCommunications Association (BCA).
The JBC Editors, Advisors, and Management Board proudly present Volume 43, Number 1, 2019. |
Journal of
Volume 42, Number 2, 2018
The Journal of Biocommunication (JBC) is the professional academic journal of the Association of Medical Illustrators (AMI) and the BioCommunications Association (BCA).
The JBC Editors, Advisors, and Management Board proudly present Volume 42, Number 2, 2018. |
Journal of
Volume 42, Number 1, 2018
The Journal of Biocommunication (JBC) is the professional academic journal of the Association of Medical Illustrators (AMI) and the BioCommunications Association (BCA).
The JBC Editors, Advisors, and Management Board proudly present Volume 42, Number 1, 2018. |
Volume 41, Number 2
The Journal of Biocommunication (JBC) is the professional academic journal of the Association of Medical Illustrators (AMI) and the BioCommunications Association (BCA). The JBC is a peer-reviewed, academic publication that provides resources for medical educators, research scientists, allied health professionals, animators, and biocommunication specialists. The JBC has become an authoritative source of information for all biocommunication professionals.
For issue 41-2 we include "Visualizing the Neurobiology of Trauma..." by Toronto authors Kim, Lax, Ross, Ng, Grossi, Gupta, Sockalingham, Mason and Taylor. The authors have crafted an innovative eLearning module to promote a better understanding of the neurobiology of trauma. Our 41-2 Showcase recognizes the accomplished work of Sue Seif, AMI's 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award recipient. We also feature “25 Years Ago in JBPA/JBP” by Tom Merrill, and the 2016 and 2017 BCA BioImages Salon winners.
To view the current Journal of Biocommunication, please visit our website:
Volume 41, Number 1
The Journal of Biocommunication (JBC) is the professional academic journal of the Association of Medical Illustrators and the BioCommunications Association.
It is a peer-reviewed, academic publication that provides resources for medical educators, research scientists, allied health professionals, and biocommunication specialists.
To view this issue of the Journal of Biocommunication, please visit our website: http://journals.uic.edu/ojs/index.php/jbc/issue/view/498
Volume 40, Number 1
The JBC now offers a new hybrid or mixed-publishing environment that provides authors, illustrators, and medical photographers with new publishing options. These options include traditional licensing agreements with full copyright retention, as well as open access Creative Commons licensing.
The JBC encourages collaboration and sharing of published articles.
For 2016 we have partnered with the University of Illinois (Chicago)
Library System and are publishing JBC Vol. 40, No. 1 under this new
Open Journal Systems format.
Please visit our Journal of Biocommunication website: http://journals.uic.edu/ojs/index.php/jbc/issue/view/474
Volume 39, Number 3
- Documenting Diversity II; Bringing the Studio into the Field for
the Madrean Archipelago Biodiversity Assessment (MABA)
- Producing a 3D Animation on Concussions
- Publisher's Comment
Shelley Wall
- 25 Years Ago
Thomas St. John Merrill
- The Imaginative Work of Steven J. Harrison
Volume 39, Number 2
- The RIT Big Shot: Part Two
- Using 3D Animation in Biology Education: Examining the
of Visual Complexity in the Representation of Dynamic
Molecular Events
- Exploring How the Incorporation of Video Game Design
Elements Into An Online Thoracic Vasculature Study Aid
Affects Use Patterns of Undergraduate Anatomy Students
- Publisher's Comment
Shelley Wall
- 25 Years Ago
Thomas St. John Merrill
- Art Is Science Is Art: Elucidating Science Through Visual Language
- Tribute: Joe Ogrodnick Named Emeritus JBC Managing Editor
- 2013 BCA BioImages Award Winners
- History of the RIT Big Shot
Volume 39, Number 1
- Creation of a Deformable Digital Larynx for Use in Surgical Instruction
- The RIT Big Shot: Part One
- Retopologizing MRI and Diffusion Tensor Tractography Datasets
for Real-time Interactivity
- Drawing a Line in the Mind: Some Reflections on the
Fundamental Nature of Linear Depiction
- Publisher's Comment
Shelley Wall
- 25 Years Ago
Thomas St. John Merrill
- Book Review: Rudolf Kingslake: A Life in Optics
- Book Review: Hidden Beauty Exploring the Aesthetics of Medical Science
- Bob Turner: Selected Images
Volume 38
- The Johns Hopkins Atlas of Pancreatic Pathology: Developing an Interactive Atlas and Teaching Algorithm for the Apple iPad
- Archaeological Visualization: Using Photogrammetry to Capture and Create 3D Digital Models of Archaeological Evidence
- Modeling the Human Brain Using Serial Cryosections from the Visible Human Project Data Set
- Introduction to Digiscoping: Video Image Capture
- To Cut, Or Not To Cut
- The Cabinet of Frederick Ruysch and The Kunstkamera of
Peter the Great: Past and Present
- Publisher's Comment
Shelley Wall
- 25 Years Ago
Eugene McDermott
- 2012 AMI Salon Award Winners
- 2012 BCA BioImages Award Winners
- 2011 GNSI Annual Exhibit Award Winners
- The Pancreas: Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, and Surgery
- Wildlife Photography: BJ Stacey
Volume 37, Combined Issues (Number 2 and 3)
- Introduction to Digiscoping: Still Image Capture
- A New Technique of Tracing the Intra-Temporal Course of the Facial Nerve
- Max Brödel and the Wow! Factor
- 3D Image Capture for the Analysis of Bite Mark Injuries
- Publisher's Comment
Shelley Wall
- 25 Years Ago
Eugene McDermott
- Fred Walsh Showcase
- The Art of Science
37, Number 1
- Documenting Diversity; The Madrean Archipelago Biodiversity Assessment (MABA)
- Accuracy “To the Best of Our Knowledge” in Molecular
- Managing for Excellence, Creativity and Institutional Value
- Publisher's Comment
Gary Schnitz
- 25 Years Ago
Eugene McDermott
- 2011 BCA BioImages Winners
36, Number 3 
- Design Considerations in the Creation of a User-Tailored Meal Visualization Tool for Adolescent Girls With Eating Disorders
- A Small Aquarium For Photographing Birthing in Seahorses
- The Art of the Critique: Techniques-Based Tools for Critical Thinking
- Ruth Coleman Wakerlin: A Visionary Leader
- Publisher's Comment
Gary Schnitz
- 25 Years Ago
Eugene McDermott
- Book Review
Jodie Jenkinson
- Insight: From the Past to the Future: The Vesalius Trust Collection of Art Serving Science and Medicine
- Celebrating A Century of Medical Illustration
36, Number 2 
- Analyzing Histology Images with Photoshop Extended
CS3 and CS4
- Darwin and the Survival of the BioCommunicator
- Preservation: USGS Panoramas of the Alaskan Frontier
- Separating the Wheat from the Chaff
- Publisher's Comment
Gary Schnitz
- 25 Years Ago
Eugene McDermott
- The Art in Science: 2010 Annual Exhibit of the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators
36, Number 1 
- Historic Rights in American Illustration
- Perfect and Strengthen Your Copyrights
- Artists’ Rights are Human Rights
- Trojan Horse: Orphan Works and the War on Authors
- Orphan Works Legislation—A Bad Deal for Artists
- Publisher's Comment
Gary Schnitz
- About this Special Issue: Artists' Rights
by Gary Schnitz
- Viewpoint: The iPad Versus Lovers of Traditional Print
by Gary Schnitz
- 25 Years Ago
Eugene McDermott
- Book Review
Jodie Jenkinson
- 2009 AMI Animation Winners
35, Number 3 
- Getting the Most Out of the Protein Data Bank
- Abram Belskie, Sculptor, and the Famous American Sculptors with Whom He Worked
- Nancy Grahame Joy: Envisioning Our Future
- Publisher's Comment
Gary Schnitz
- 25 Years Ago
Eugene McDermott
- Book Review
Jim Perkins
35, Number 2 
- Illustrating Artifacts Using Digital Rendering Techniques
- Illustrating Choices at a Pollinator's Buffet: High-speed
Photography of the Night-flying Moth Manduca sexta
- Remembering John P. (Jack) Vetter
- Publisher's Comment
Gary Schnitz
- 25 Years Ago
Eugene McDermott
- Insight: Avoiding the Black Hole
Joe Kane
- Viewpoint: Recapturing Science in Clinical Photography
David Teplica
- 2009 BCA BioImages Salon Winners
- Multiple Flash Location Photography
35, Number 1 
- Effectiveness of Timeline Pacing as a Post-production Cueing Strategy
- Jan Wandelaar, Bernard Siegfried Albinus and an Indian rhinoceros named Clara
- Fifty Years of Anatomy in Fifty Minutes
- Publisher's Comment
Gary Schnitz
- 25 Years Ago
Eugene McDermott
- Insight: Securing Your Digital Assets
Gary Schnitz
- Viewpoint: Sketching Our Futures
Gary Schnitz
- Techbytes: In Search of Unlimited Depth of Field
Gabriel Unda
- 2007 OPS Scientific Exhibit
34, Number 3 
- Images for Science
- 3D Visualization of the Dental Anatomy of the Narwhal, Monodon monoceros
- Virtual Bronchoscopy: Using Game Design Techniques and Technology to Create an Interactive 3D Teaching Tool
- Publisher's Comment
Gary Schnitz, Chair, JBC Management Board
- 25 Years Ago
- Viewpoint: Our Brain Trusts
Gary Schnitz
- Images from Science 2:
Rochester Institute of Technology
34, Number 2 
- The Iconic Pain Assessment Tool: Facilitating
the Translation of Pain Sensations and Improving Patient-physician
- The $100 XO Laptop: A Review of A Third-World
Educational Effort
- Remembering Maria (Ikenberg) Lindberg
- Publisher's Comment
Gary Schnitz, Chair, JBC Management Board
- 25 Years Ago
- Viewpoint: Change
Gary Schnitz
- 2008 BCA BioImages Salon Winners
- RMIT Scientific Photography Program Exhibition
34, Number 1 
- A Biologically Inspired Mechano-optical Imaging System Based in Insect Vision
- Remembering Bob Wabnitz
- Designing A Web-Based Clinical Counseling Tool About Disorders of Sex Development
- Publisher's Comment
Gary Schnitz, Chair, JBC Management Board
- 25 Years Ago
- Book Review
Gabriel Unda
- Viewpoint: Becoming Small Business-Minded
Gary Schnitz
- 2007 HeSCA Media Festival Winners
33, Number 3 
- Selling the Cure: Images of Health and Disease in Early American Patent Medicine Advertisements
- Images of Evolution
- Expanding Researchers' Understanding of Effective Corporate Identity Design for Company Spin Outs
- Ranice W. Crosby: A Tribute to Fifty Years of Teaching, Part II
- Publisher's Comment
Gary Schnitz, Chair, JBC Management Board
- 25 Years Ago
- Viewpoint: Climbing Ladders and Building Bridges
Gary Schnitz
33, Number 2 
- Information Design and Usability Testing of a Migraine Diagnostic DVD Teaching Aid
- Simulation Training in Medical Education - An Opportunity for Biocommunicators
- Effects of Compression in Digital Images used for Image Analysis
- What Exactly is Digital Image Workflow?
- Ranice W. Crosby: A Tribute to Fifty Years of Teaching
- Publisher's Comment
Gary Schnitz, Chair, JBC Management Board
- 25 Years Ago
- Viewpoint: We Could All Take a Lesson From Starbucks
Gary Schnitz
- BCA BioImages 2007 Salon Winners
33, Number 1
- Opthalmic Imaging - An Overview and Current State of the Art,
Part II
- The Use of Common Animation Software to Create Animations
in Support of the Development of a Prosthetic Arm
- Publisher's Comment
Gary Schnitz, Chair, JBC Management Board
- 25 Years Ago
- Viewpoint: A Look Back at the Analog Years in Biocommunication
Gary Schnitz
- GE IN Cell Competition 2006
32, Number 3 
- Integrating Instructional Interactivity in a 2-D Animated Learning Environment to Enhance its Educative Value: An Online Pharmacogenetics Course for Practicing Pharmacists
- The Instructional System Design Model: A Framework for Development of a Web-based Program
- Publisher's Comment
Gary Schnitz, Chair, JBC Management Board
- 25 Years Ago
- Viewpoint: As Simple As "ABC"?
Bob Turner
- TechBytes
Bobb Sleezer
- AMI 2006 Salon Award Winners
32, Number 2 
- Ophthalmic Imaging - An Overview and Current State of the Art
- Scanning: An Alternative to Low-Power Photomicrography
- Publisher's Comments
Bob Turner, Chair, JBC Management Board
- 25 Years Ago
- Viewpoint: Mr. Oldenburg extends his invitation
Camilia Matuk
- BCA 2006 BioImages Award Winners
- Fellows of the Ophthalmic Photographers’ Society (FOPS)
Volume 32, Number 1 
- Seeing the Body: The Divergence of Ancient Chinese and Western Medical Illustration
- Three Methods of Generating Digital Models for a Virtual Reality Model of the Nose
- Publisher's Comments
Bob Turner, Chair, JBC Management Board
- 25 Years Ago
- TechBytes
Bobb Sleezer
- AMI 2005 Salon Award Winners
- 2005 Exhibition of The Guild of Natural Science Illustrators

Volume 31, Number 3
- SPECIAL REPORT: Third World Congress
on Medical Imaging, Cairns, Australia August 25-29, 2005
- DVD Authoring in the Modern World
- Medical-Legal Illustrations, Animations
and Interactive Media: Personal Injury Lawyers' Perceptions
of Effective Attributes
- Publisher's Comments
Bob Turner, Chair, JBC Management Board
- 25 Years Ago
- Viewpoint: Master of All Trades,
Doctor of None
Camillia Matuk
- TechBytes
Bobb Sleezer
- HeSCA 2005 Media Award Winners
31, Number 2
- Test of Low-Literacy Video Guide
for the Harvard Cancer
Risk Index-G (HCRI-G)
- A History of Molecular Representation
Part Two: The 1960s -Present
- Depicting the Anterior Eye in Two
and Three Dimensions
Part Two: Iris, Limbus and Sclera
- Forensic Imaging—An Overview
- Publisher's Comments
Bob Turner, Chair, JBC Management Board
- 25 Years Ago
- BCA BioImage 2005 Salon Award Winners
31, Number 1
- Patient Education and Health Literacy
in the U.S.
- Depicting the Anterior Eye in Two
and Three Dimensions
Part One: Cornea and Pupil
- A History of Molecular Representation
Part One: 1800 to the 1960s
- Publisher's Comments
Bob Turner, Chair, JBC Management Board
- Viewpoint: The Changing Face of
Biomedical Communications
Manuel Bekier, M.S.
- 25 Years Ago
- AMI 2004 Salon Award Winners
- Use of Cross-Polarized Lighting
in Archeological Photography
- Bridging the Gap: A Web-based Visual
Database of Medications to Address the Cognitive Needs of
Patients and the Information Needs of Patients and Their
Health Care Provider
- Visualization of Forensic Demonstrative
Evidence for the Canadian Courtroom: A Collaborative Initiative
between Biomedical Communications and Forensic Anthropology
- Publisher's Comments
Bob Turner, Chair, JBC Management Board
- Viewpoint: Why Another World Congress on Biomedical Communications?
Julie Murray
- 25 Years Ago in JBPA/JBP
- BCA BioImage 2004 Salon Award Winners
- Inspiring Images of Nature's Exotic
Carlton Ward Jr.
30, Number 2
- Learning to Master Environmental
Change at Work
Michaeline Skiba, Ed.D.
- Unexpected parallels: Medical Illustrator
vs. Mongolian Monk
(Part I of a two-part series)
Zina Deretsky, M.A.
- Publisher's Comments
Bob Turner, Chair, JBC Management Board
- Tech Bytes
Scott Kilbourne
- 25 Years Ago in JBPA/JBP
- HeSCA 2004 Media Award Winners
30, Number 1
- Electronic Work Flow and Digital
Asset Management, Part I
William Willner
- Dynamic Curriculum Design in Biomedical
Communications: Integrating a Knowledge Building Approach
and a Knowledge Forum® Learning Environment in a Medical
Legal Visualization Course
Leila Lax, Iam Taylor, Linda Wilson-Pauwels, Marlene Scardamalia
- Creating Textures in Medical and
Scientific Illustration in Pen and Ink
Tim Phelps
- Publisher's Comments
Bob Turner, Chair, JBC Management Board
- Tech Bytes
Scott Kilbourne
- 25 Years Ago in JBPA/JBP
- AMI 2003 Salon Award Winners
- An Overview of Stereolithography
Robert C. Turner
- Development and Evaluation of the
Sentinel Node Biopsy Continuing Professional Development
Jodie Jenkinson, Nicholas Woolridge, Linda Wilson-Pauwels,
David McCready, Meaghan Brierley
- Colored Pencil for Medical and Veterinary
Tim Phelps
- Improving Parents' Early Recognition
and Understanding of Infant Cranial Abnormalities Through
Web-based 2-D Animations of 3-D Structures
Jennifer Polk, Nicholas Woolridge, Linda Wilson-Pauwels,
Jodie Jenkinson, Margot Mackay
- The History of Werner Spalteholz's
Handatlas der Anatomie des Menschen
David J. Williams
- Journal Archives Available
Robert C. Turner
- Publisher’s Comments
Roger Poston, Chair, JBC Management Board
- Tech Bytes
Scott Kilbourne
- 25 Years Ago in JBPA/JBP
- BCA BioImage 2003 Salon Award Winners
Published by
The Association of Medical Illustrators (AMI)
The BioCommunications Association (BCA)
purpose | management | editorial information
Copyright 2022, All rights reserved by the Journal of Biocommunication |