As in the past issues, this JBC Calendar & Association
News section contains information relating to our profession's
annual meetings. These meetings are vital not only for the financial
health of our organizations, but also for the great opportunities
they represent for us to gain new skills, to share academic and
research interests, to acquire continuing education hours for certification,
and to see old friends. These meetings offer us a chance to refresh
mentally and “reboot” our enthusiasm for another year.
Announcing the Annual Meeting of The Association of Biomedical
Communications Directors (ABCD)
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, October 14-17, 2004
Make plans now to attend the 2004 Annual ABCD Meeting October
14-17, 2004. After several attempts to fit together the pieces of
the puzzlehost city, venue, days and dates, speaker availability,
conflicts with other events, etc.the dates and location were
determined to be a good solution for the many constituencies involved.
A program has been planned with speakers and content aimed at equipping
the BMC director to better understand and deal with the rapidly
changing environment within academic health science centers. Few
would doubt that this is a very important time for us in our professional
lives and for the departments that we lead.
Future e-mails will provide specifics of times, presentation titles,
etc. Please jump on the Web and take advantage of the deals on plane
fares that are going on right now. As soon as final details are
established, a registration form will be sent to you.
Dates: October 14-17, 2004
Location: Friday Center for Continuing Education
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Multiple air carriers serve Raleigh/Durham airport. A MapQuest
printout for Chapel Hill will provide specific directions, but generally
travel by car would be via I95/I85 from the North, I85 from the
South, and I40 from the west. The Friday Center is just about three
miles east of Chapel Hill on Highway 54a main artery into
Chapel Hill from the airport, which is about 15 miles farther east.
Hotel: Marriott Courtyard, 100 Courtyard Road, Chapel Hill, NC
27514. This is a brand new five-story hotel one block from the Friday
Center. It is located across the street from several eateries and
is on the bus line to downtown Chapel Hill. A room block has been
set aside, with a good rate of $99. Phone numbers and details for
reservations will be forthcoming.
Registration Fee: $400 members, $70 spouses.
Preliminary Program Schedule
Thursday, October 14
2 p.m. Board of Directors Meeting at Hotel
5:30 p.m. Welcome Reception at Friday Center
6 p.m. Dinner
7-8:30 p.m. Directors Forum
Friday, October 15
Friday Center for Continuing Education
8:30 a.m.-noon Lyn Mitchell, presenter
Lunch at Friday Center
1-5 p.m. Continuation of Program with Lyn Mitchell?interactive discussions
Supper at local restaurants
Evening free
Saturday, October 16
Friday Center
8 a.m.-noon Matthew Christensen, presenter
Noon Lunch at Friday Center
Hurtgen Meadows Farm, Hillsborough, NC
2 p.m.-evening Informal Conversations and Discussions. Evening meal.
Sunday, October 17
Friday Center
8:30 - noon Panel Discussion by Directors, Case Study & Program
Noon ABCD Annual Business Luncheon
1 p.m. Depart
1:30 p.m. Board of Directors meeting at Hotel
For More Information:
Thomas P. Hurtgen, Educational Media Services
Duke University School of Medicine, Box 3087, Durham, NC 27710
Phone: 919-684-6884. Fax: 919-684-8803.
The Association of Biomedical Communications Directors
(ABCD) was formed on January 27, 1974, by vote of approximately
65 directors gathered for the fourth in a series of meetings, which
were initiated in 1970 by the National Medical Audio/Visual Center
in Atlanta, Ga. Since then, the organization has developed documents
and procedures to govern its operation, but has strived to maintain
an informal atmosphere emphasizing its purpose as a forum for sharing
among its members. In March of 1978, an official Constitution and
Bylaws were adopted by the membership, and on April 18, 1979, the
Association was incorporated in the State of North Carolina.
Related Association News
Because of the ongoing interest in the Illustrators' Partnership
of America, I have included links to the Illustrators'
Partnership of American (IPA) Web site.

Announcing the 35th Annual meeting of the Ophthalmic Photographers'
Society, New Orleans, October 22 - 26, 2004

Ophthalmic Photographers' Society will hold its 35th annual meeting
October 22-26, in New Orleans, La. For more information visit:
Announcing the 46th International Conference on Health and Science
Seattle, Wash., June 1-4, 2005

Start making plans to attend HeSCA's 2005 annual conference on
health and science communications. Better yet, submit an abstract
to make a presentation.
Some themes being developed for the program are:
- Website usability and accessibility
- Hitting high on search engines
- Working and learning together across distance
- Measuring ROI for communications
- Business planning for service departments
- Customer service for success
- Production solutions to communications challenges
The meeting will be held at the Edgewater
Hotel, Seattle's only waterfront hotel. Keep your eye on the
following site for more information:

Announcing the 75th Annual Meeting of the BioCommunications
AssociationBIOCOMM 2005
Portland, Oregon - July 21-24, 2005
Start making plans to attend BCA's 2005 Annual Meeting.
Details to follow:
Announcing the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association of Medical
Los Angeles, Calif., July 27-31, 2005
AMI Workshops - July 27 & 28
Annual Meeting Conference - July 29- 31
This year we are co-locating in Los Angeles with the SIGGRAPH
International Conference. The SIGGARPH conference begins immediately
following the AMI Annual Meeting. Visit:
for more information.

SIGGRAPH 32nd International Conference
July 31 - August 4, 2005
for more information.
the 3rd World Congress of Medical and Scientific Imaging
Cairns, Australia, August 25 - 29, 2005
"Explore" has been chosen as the name of the 3rd World
Congress of Medical and Scientific Imaging.
keeping with our theme, "Explore: Discover the Possibilities,"
the 2005 World Congress aims to inform delegates and attendees of
the latest trends in medical and scientific imaging, so that the
potential of modern technologies can be fully realized.
The meeting program will consist of three days of academic papers,
a professional exhibition, and a unique opportunity to take part
in a Great Barrier Reef expedition.
for more information.