25 Years Ago in JBPA/JBP |
Scriptor Front Cover Photo, Journal of Biological Photography. Volume 50 no. 2
The front cover of JBP Vol. 50. #2 blew me away! Ralph Creer is pictured behind a bank of automotive headlamps; one quartz halogen lamp nowadays would send the surgeon into orbit with the heat – I know, I tried it just once!! Looking back 25 years ago, page 34, shows a remarkably accurate exposure meter; there are probably few around nowadays, and if there are it might prove a useful backup – certainly more reliable than the f16 rule. “Technology the Enabler” by Martin L. Scott is loaded with useful information, even though it is geared to traditional photography. I do question his recording of the exposure time for a Daguerreotype as 40 minutes. Certainly the exposures were extreme, but 8 minutes was the average (long enough!). It did not take long before the times could be dramatically reduced by (a) the introduction of ‘faster’ lenses, but also using halogens other than iodine (probably chlorine), which increased the sensitivity of the plate (see -The History of Photography by Beaumont Newhall). There is a wealth of information in this paper – thankfully uncomplicated and virtually non-technical. “Applied Densitometry” discusses an extremely useful tool for the production of good quality negatives. I do feel that it would require considerable time and effort for one to become familiar with using it, but once mastered could be used in a myriad of situations. Ansel Adams Zone system has always mystified me – how useful this piece of equipment would have been to help me sort it all out!! Robert L. Myers third part of “A Systematic Approach to Medical Motion Picture Production left me breathless ” just as the first two parts did. Sound advice throughout, but for those who are only producing high quality Motion Pictures with large budgets. The final paper in this issue of the Journal “A Case for the Used Designed Copystand” describes a first class copystand in detail. The only thing missing is flash rather than hot incandescent lights.ScriptorWith the passing of Peter Hansell, Ron Irvine picks up the pen to continue "25 Years ago in the Journal of Biological Photography" and writes under the pseudonym Scriptor. Irvine is a long-time member of BCA and IMI. He is a Registered Biological Photographer, Fellow of the BCA, and an honorary member of IMI. His e-mail address is irviron@gmail.com
2008, The Journal of Biocommunication, All Rights Reserved
of Contents for VOLUME 34, NUMBER 1