Upcoming 2006 Annual

The Premier Conference and Exhibition
for the AV Communications Industry!
InfoComm Conference from June 3 - 9, 2006
InfoComm Exhibition from June 7 - 9, 2006
Plan to attend InfoComm in 2006 to see the largest
event in the professional information communications and electronics
arena, and get a head start on the hottest and emerging technologies.
Now that AV is everywhere, tie it all back to the manufacturers,
integrators and professionals.
The InfoComm conference and exhibition will feature:
- Display and projection technologies
- Multimedia products and services
- Digital signage
- Networked information systems
- Audio technologies and services
- Security systems
- Streaming media
- Residential A-V systems
- Video and video production
- Furniture, racks, cases, stands
- Lighting and staging
- Cables and connectors
- Digital cinema and entertainment systems
- Wireless systems
- Control, interfacing, and signal distribution
- Structured wiring
- Collaborative conferencing including audio, video, data, and
InfoComm 06 promises to be our most exciting
show yet! Check back for details soon. And find out why
725 companies chose to exhibit at InfoComm 05 - contact exhibitsales@infocomm.org
to join them in 2006.
here for more information!
the 47th International Conference on Health and Science Communications
June 28 - July 2, 2006
Washington, D.C.
Washington, DC – The 47th
Annual International Conference on Halth and Science Communications,
sponsored by the Health and Sciences Communications Association
(HeSCA) has chosen Washington, DC as the host city for its 2006
conference. The conference will give attendees the opportunity to
learn the latest technical aspects of media production and delivery
as well as addressing the challenges of providing leadership in
a creative environment constrained by dollars, pounds and yen. There
will also be a vast selection of workshops and lecture sessions
for communications professionals throughout the course of this four-day
The conference brings together leaders from North America, Europe,
and the Pacific Rim at a time when international healthcare initiatives
are flourishing.
HeSCA's strength is providing advanced educational opportunities
to the people at the forefront of communications technology, and
conference networking enables participants to generate strategies
for the future.
Background on HeSCA – The Health Sciences Communications
HeSCA has a strong, nearly half-century history as a professional
association and began as the Council on Medical Television in 1959.
With the integration of technology into health care education and
information delivery, HeSCA continues to meet the needs of professionals
working in this evolving environment. For much of its history the
membership has worked in the field of medical education, but during
the 1980’s, with the changing structure of healthcare delivery,
employee training and communications became a part of the career
responsibilities. In the 1990’s and continuing today, many
HeSCA professionals find their careers shifting towards medical
marketing. The specialties within healthcare communications are
many and can focus by subject or technology; all are addressed by
the professional development opportunities found during the conference.
For more information on HeSCA as well as regular updates on the
2006 Conference Program, visit www.hesca.org.
the Annual Meeting of
The Association of Biomedical Communications Directors (ABCD)

June 2006
Washington, D.C.
ABCD is co-locating with our HeSCA colleagues again
this year for this combined meeting. The ABCD membership is encouraged
to register for the entire HeSCA meeting, the workshops, and informative
sessions through the HeSCA website at: www.hesca.org/meeting
the 76th Annual Meeting BioCommunications Association
BIOCOMM - 2006

July 11 - 15, 2006
Knoxville Tennessee Crowne Plaza Hotel
Come experience Southern Hospitality for yourself....
room rates will be $89!
A GREAT location, GREAT program, GREAT workshops,
and GREAT PEOPLE — it's all coming together in Knoxville for
the 76th annual meeting of the BioCommunications Association.
Step up to the plate and participate with the various
BIOCOMM 2006 offerings: BioImages Entries, Plenary or Workshop Presentations,
InfoShare, or by becoming a meeting volunteer (all positions are
Stay tuned to the BCA
web site and the BCA listserve. Look for additional announcements
from the BCA Central Office and the BCA Planning Committee for further
information. In the meantime, contact Richard Frederickson, Director
of Conferences at (301) 846-1546 or fredericksonr@ncifcrf.gov
with your GREAT ideas and suggestions, or to volunteer. Make
this BCA gathering a GREAT SUCCESS!
See you in Knoxville (at the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains
— the most visited national park in the USA)!
Guild of Natural Science Illustrators'
2006 Summer Workshop

June 26 - July 1, 2006
Stueben, Maine
- Painting Butterflies and Moths with Acrylic & Color Pencil
With Dolores R. Santoliquido
- Painting Botanicals on Vellum with Carol Woodin
The GNSI Workshop location will be the Humboldt Field Research
Institute and Eagle Hill Foundation, Steuben, Maine.
Founded at the Smithsonian Institution in 1968, the Guild has grown
to become part of the global community. It is a non-profit organization
that sets high professional standards, provides opportunities for
professional and scholarly development, encourages and assists member
networking, and promotes itself to potential clients and the general
Look for updated announcements regarding the dates, instructors,
and the registration process at: www.gnsi.org
Announcing SIGGRAPH 33rd International Conference on
Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques

Conference July 30 - August 3, 2006
Exhibition August 1 - 3, 2006
Boston Convention and Exhibition Center
In the next 12 months, there's only one opportunity
to understand, create, experience, and debate every aspect of
computer graphics and interactive techniques: SIGGRAPH 2006 in
Learn from the world's leading experts, as they present advanced
theory and practical applications. See the year's finest international
achievements in digital art, animation, and visual effects. Meet
SIGGRAPH Pioneers and emerging achievers.
Plan to attend and exchange ideas, insights, and inspiration
with people who share your goals and aspirations.
For more information visit: www.siggraph.org/s2006
Announcing the 2006 Annual Meeting of the
Association of Medical Illustrators

August 2 - 6, 2006
Boston, MA
The annual meeting of the Association of Medical Illustrators
(AMI) will take place in Boston, MA, during the first week of August
2006. At the meeting you will find a diverse, dynamic group of medical
illustrators, animators, teachers, administrators, project managers,
and other professionals bound together by their common interests
- art and science. The medical illustration Salon will be the highlight
of this event, featuring professional and student work of the AMI
membership. Plan on attending, and check out the Boston SIGGRAPH
meeting as well that same week.
Additional information visit: www.ami.org
Related Association News

The Association of Medical Illustrators, in conjunction
with The Society of Illustrators, The National Cartoonists
Society, The American Society of Architectural Illustrators,
and The Illustrators' Partnership of America, continues to
seek better ways to market and license the rights to their
creative work.
One of the goals of this working coalition is still to explore
the possibility of collecting and pooling artists' reprographic
fees in order to create a collective rights administration
to return reproduction royalties to illustrators.
Since the birth of the Illustrators' Partnership of America,
the organization's key mission has been the development of
a licensing agency that would truly represent the best interests
of American artists and illustrators.
For more information about the Illustrators' Partnership
of America, visit www.illustratorspartnership.org.
For information about protecting your copyrights:
About The Vesalius Trust
The Vesalius Trust for Visual Communication in the Health
Sciences was incorporated as a nonprofit public foundation
in 1988. Established under the direction of the Board of Governors
of the Association of Medical Illustrators, the Trust strives
to develop and support education and research programs in
the field of health science communications.
History of the Trust
Since its founding in 1988, the Trust has endeavored to identify
and secure funding for educational and research activities
in visual communications in the health sciences, and to act
as a conduit for these resources. Currently, the Trust supports:
scholarships, research grants, continuing professional education,
and an international recognition program for exceptional contributions
to medical education.
The Frank H. Netter, M.D. Award and Vesalius Trust Awards
of Excellence recognize and honor significant contributions
to the field of health science communications.
Mission of the Trust
To provide leadership for the advancement of education and
research in visual communications for the health sciences.
Vision Statement
To be known as the premier resource for funding of visual
communications in the health sciences.
Our Commitment
Our commitment to support visual communications in the health
sciences is broad. During the past year, the Trust has endeavored
to form alliances with related groups and associations within
the field of biocommunication. The Trust not only supports
scholarship and research in the profession of medical illustration,
but also includes and supports the areas of biomedical and
scientific photography, biomedical visualization, anatomical
animation, life science and zoological illustration, microbiological
and molecular visualization, video production, and biomedical
We welcome financial contributions of any size from individuals
or corporations interested in the Trust's mission. Those individuals
interested in making a tax deductible contribution to the
Vesalius Trust are encouraged to visit the Trust's website
E-mail inquiries regarding the Vesalius Trust are also encouraged
at: Vesaliustrust@aol.com
Please visit The Vesalius Trust's web site for additional
information: www.vesaliustrust.org