With the fall season upon us (at least
in the northern hemisphere), we are witnessing many changes. Our
weather shifts to cooler temperatures, trees' foliage slowly dissolves
to dramatic hues, and professionally speaking, we settle into busier
schedules, especially as the holidays approach. And so, too, many
changes are taking place within the JBC arena.
It is with regret JBC bids farewell to its Managing Editor, Joanne
Shaw. Her professional responsibilities at the University of California,
Irvine have been ever increasing in the past few months, forcing
her to step away from JBC. We extend a sincere and grateful “thank
you” to Joanne for her contributions to the Journal and wish
her the very best with her future endeavors and personal challenges.
Another JBC change is the appointment of Joe Ogrodnick as Managing
Editor for Volume 31’s next issue, Number 3. Joe is certainly
no stranger to directing journal production; he has better than
16 years experience at the helm of the Journal of Biophotography.
We look forward to seeing Joe’s contributions in the final
issue of JBC Volume 31.
In the meantime, this issue has a myriad of biocommunication offerings.
The four features include: Michael Hughes’ and Craig Luce’s
“Depicting the Anterior Eye in Two and Three Dimensions, Part
Two: Iris, Limbus and Sclera”; James A. Perkins’ “A
History of Molecular Representation Part 2: The 1960s – Present”;
Linda K. Larkey’s (et. al.) “Test of a Low-Literacy
Video Guide for the Harvard Cancer Risk Index-G (HCRI-G)”;
and George Reis’ “Forensic Imaging—An Overview.”
The columns include another historical review of technologies by
Scriptor in “25 Years Ago”; “Calendar and Association
News” provides updates on future annual meetings of our professional
societies, along with technology updates; the Gallery displays the
award-winning entries from the BioCommunication Association’s
2005 BioImages competition; and, finally, the second Showcase hallmarks
the elegant photomicrography of Michael Peres.
And all of these features, columns, announcements and news, Gallery,
and Showcase help demonstrate the changes taking place in our profession.
Changes that will cause us to be more informed, to be better prepared
to adjust to future challenges, and to be better biocommunicators.
Bob Turner,
Chair, JBC Management Board
The JOURNAL OF BIOCOMMUNICATION (J.Biocommun) is indexed in Index
Medicus, Current Index in Journals in Education, Biological Abstracts — RRM (Reports,
Reviews, Meetings), Hospital Literature, Dental Abstracts and Middle East: Abstracts and
Index. ISSN: US0094-2499.
Produced in the U.S.A. and © 2005 by The Journal
of Biocommunication, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication
is supported by members’ and public subscriptions and is published
online three times each year; a compendium issue is printed once
each year. |
to all paid members of the ABCD, AMI, BCA, and HeSCA. Other individuals
and institutions are invited to subscribe: individuals at $36, libraries
or institutions at $45, students at $32 per year.
Address subscription correspondence to:
Subscriptions: Ron Sokolowski
Eastern Business Service
39 Wedgewood Drive, Suite A
Jewett City, CT 06351
(860) 376-8150, fax (860) 376-6621
Direct editorial communications to respective
association editors.
Managing Editor: Joe Ogrodnick
Entomology, NYS Ag. Experiment Station
Communications Services, NYSAES
632 W. North Street
Geneva, NY 14456
(315) 787-2324, fax (315) 787-2387
Association of Biomedical Communications Directors
(ABCD) Editor: Ken
National Cancer Institute at Frederick
Post Office Box B - Building 362
Frederick, MD 21702
(301) 846-1055 fax (301) 846-6563
Association of Medical Illustrators (AMI) Co-Editor:
Gary Lees
The Johns Hopkins University, Art as Applied to Medicine
The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
1830 E. Monument, St. Suite 7000
Baltimore, MD 21093
(410) 955-3213
Association of Medical Illustrators (AMI) Co-Editor:
Mark Lefkowitz
Biomedical Visuals
132 Oak Hill Dr.
Sharon, MA, 02067
(781) 784-5293
BioCommunications Association (BCA) Editor: Joe Ogrodnick
Entomology, NYS Ag. Experiment Station
Communications Services, NYSAES
632 W. North Street
Geneva, NY 14456
(315) 787-2324, fax (315) 787-2387
The Health and Sciences Communications
Association (HeSCA) Editor: Karen
Walker Teaching Resource Center
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Department 4354
615 McCallie Avenue
Chattanooga, TN 37403
(423) 425-4026, fax (423) 425-4025
Calendar and Association News Editor: Gary Schnitz
The Indiana Hand Center
P.O. Box 80434
8501 Harcourt Road
Indianapolis, IN 46280-0434
(317) 471-4446, fax (317) 471-4404
Management Board: Bob Turner, Chairman
(The Scripps Research Institute) • Carol Asimow Gray (UCLA
Medical Center) • Lee Potts (Merck Research Laboratories) •
Ken Michaels (National Cancer Institute) • Gary Schnitz (Indiana
Hand Center) • Gillian Duncan (Rochester, MN) • Bradley Smith
(University of Michigan)
Webmaster: Michael Getz (Illumina Interactive, Boston, MA)
Editors: Each member association
of The Journal of Biocommunication may select one Editor,
whose responsibility it is to secure manuscript material and assure
technical accuracy, validity, and usefulness of the Journal's
content. Each Editor works with an Editorial Review Board selected
by the sponsor association. Members of the Editorial Review Board
critique and edit articles, and provide other editorial assistance,
at the request of the Editor. The JBC accepts unsolicited
materials for consideration. Unsolicited materials may be submitted
to the Managing Editor or to any of the Association Editors for
consideration. For more information, please see Contributors.
Editorial Review Board: Scott Barrows
(Medical Art Associates) • Janis Brown (University of Southern
California) • Susan G. Deihl (Virginia Commonwealth University)
• Craig Gosling (Indiana University) • Christine Gralapp
(Fairfax, Calif.) • Carol Asimow Gray (UCLA Medical Center)
• Jamie Guth (Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center) • Winifred Hamilton
(Baylor College of Medicine) • Tom Hurtgen (Duke University
School of Medicine) • Dale Kennedy (VA Medical Center - Albuquerque,
New Mexico) • Lori J. Klein (National Library of Medicine)
• Dale Knorr (Naval Medical Center, San Diego, Calif.) • Gregory Lucier
(University of Calgary) • Patrick Lynch (Yale University) •
Steven Moon (Ohio State University) • Darisse Paquette
(Tufts-New England Medical Center) • Stephen Pendry (Iowa State
University) • Michael Peres (Rochester Institute of Technology)
• Sue Seif (Seif & Associates.) • Bobb Sleezer (Christiana
Care Health Services) • Herbert R. Smith, Jr. (Houston,
Tex.) • Keith Stenehjem (Mayville State University) • Judy Tyler
(National Student Nurses Association) • John Vetter (Pittsburgh,
Pa.) • Susan Zimmerman (Wordcraft Communications)
Business Manager:
Nancy Hurtgen
Production Group: Michael Getz (Illumina Interactive)